Client: Bienvivir All-Inclusive Senior Health ///
PACE Marketing Project
Our campaign should effectively and uniquely brand Bienvivir. Effective merger of key concepts (Independence, Team Care and Family Support)
- Client transportation is critical
- Demonstrate the importance of a central location for providing care
- Illustrate range of client services in logo and demonstrating the importance of “Team Care”
- Illustrate “independence” for clients and family members
- Address MERP and the “loss of home” fear
Using Bienvivir’s existing logo as our starting point, we utilize the “leaves” in the logo to first show movement among our key elements but also portray each “leaf” as one facet of care, while enveloping the core concepts, independence and transportation, This approach allows for multiple and interchangeable focal points for all our messaging efforts.
Because of the pandemic we were not going to be able to use new footage or even visit any of the locations out of an abundance of caution. So set with the idea of what I wanted to say, I needed a way to create motion and story using only stock photos and graphics. With this I was able to create an effective way so showcase Bienvivir’s services and the process of becoming a client.